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Payment Dented Web appreciates
your business. If you are making a payment on
your web design service, please choose your method
of payment using the EZ Payment Tools box to the
right. For your convenience and security Dented
Web offers online payments though PayPal and Google
because of their long established reputation of
excellent SECURE service. You may choose either
PayPal or Google to make your payments -- Both
offer fast, easy, secure payment methods. This
way, your private billing information is kept
confidential, even from us. We don't want to know
your credit card information. We simply want to
offer you the best service and the highest quality
websites and internet products on the net. |
Payments are made to our
parent company, The Project, LLC.
If you are choosing to send a check, please make
the check payable to the parent company. |
IP addresses are logged to assure your
safety. This way, should anyone who does not have
your permission use your credit card with us,
we will be able to offer appropriate tracking
information to the authorities. We take this extra
step because we care about your security. |
does NOT access your credit card information. |